Honest assessment of faith
When we decide to dedicate ourselves to God, our love for Him should be unwavering and boundless. Let’s embrace a love that knows no limits!
If we choose to serve God then our love for him must be unconditional. #jesus #islord #madeup #shine (https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=If%20we%20choose%20to%20serve%20God%20then%20our%20love%20for%20him%20must%20be%20unconditional.%20%23jesus%20%23islord%20%23madeup%20%23shine%20https%3A%2F%2Ftinyurl.com%2F2b8zbowc%20%40theJamesTaiwo&related=trumpetmedia1)
Our faith becomes a source of strength, helping us navigate the challenges we face with courage and resilience. (https://jamestaiwo.com/bible-giants-of-faith/)
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